Ostara 2022

 Unlike last year which was hot and sunny, this year Ostara was cloudy, but at 60 degrees not cold. I set up my altar around noon with plans to leave it until around 4pm when the wind was supposed to start. I had planned to have high tea out there around 3pm and even baked a blood orange cake for it yesterday. As almost always my weather app lied and the wind started around 2. At about 2:30 the goddess apparently decided her visit was over and sent a gust which toppled 2 of my stone eggs and my copper bowl and sent them rolling off the table! The eggs and bowl were unharmed and I had planned to scatter the flowers anyway, so it sort of all worked out.

I don't follow any set ritual. All my rituals are what I find intuitve to myself. This altar was pretty much the same as last year because that one seemed to work well! 

I use the copper crystal pyramid in the center of almost every altar I make. It is one of my favorite pieces. For years before I got it I had a spiral copper pendulum which was my favorite pendulum so when I saw that I had to have it! The sunstone wand and copper bowl are also on my list of favorite things! The eggs are sunstone, moss agate, rose quartz and selenite. The rabbit cup has the Tamed Wild Ostara tea in it which contains chamomile and peppermint. I use that cup all year for my own tea, but it is perfect for Ostara! The copper bowl is full of 8 different types of dried flowers. I made sure to put the largest dried sunflower I had on top to send blessings to the Ukraine and I certainly hope the light comes to them soon! 


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