
Showing posts from June, 2021

Calling Rain!

 I had originally planned to do a nature meditation for Summer Solstice, but I already felt I knew what nature was saying. It is hot and dry and we need rain! So instead I made up a rain ritual.  Lapis, moonstone, a moonstone orgone point, bowl of water, lemon balm, stone cat on my tree of life carved selenite plate. I chose the moonstone, lapis and lemon balm because they all supposedly are water elements. I sprinkled water over the plate using the lemon balm and meditated on rain while using the rain stick over it. I also wore the tree of life pendant I got from Tamed Wild and 2 moonstone and 1 lapis ring. Will it do any good? Well, it can't hurt. Nothing, but sunshine forecast for the next few days so I may need to try again. 

Skunk Ape Visit?

 Back in late 2010 and early 2011 I was involved with a group that was putting on a UFO/paranormal conference. We were meeting at one of the members house to work some stuff out. At one point Nancy, the person putting out the money for the conference called one of our speakers to run something by him. The speaker was Kewaunee Lapsertis, author of Psychic Sasquatch and several other Sasquatch books. Right as Nancy ended her phone call the most horrid odor enveloped the room! It wasn't like someone farted, although there was a sewer smell to it, but also mold, rot and a skunk like odor! Judging by reports of the creature called a skunk ape the smell was just like that! Some also say Sasquatch doesn't smell like roses either! I think I was the first to actually say something because we were all kind of shocked. I said something like what the heck is that smell? I remember Nancy saying "I don't know, but that is the second time I have had that happen after talking to Kewau

Wild Rituals

 They look like tarot cards, but they aren't.  They are ritual cards from Tamed Wild. They seem to always be sold out, so I finally put myself on the wait list and about a month later they showed up! There are 30 different cards simply rituals you can do. I ended up liking them even more than I expected. Mainly because the rituals are so simple, no eye of newt required! The only bad thing about them is the very small font which I need reading glasses to read. Then again, I need reading glasses for most things these days.