Garden Update

 Happily at least some of my seeds have sprouted! Not a lot so far, but my container zucchini (I almost always have good luck with that), container eggplant and arugula. I've never grown arugula before and haven't in the past much luck with eggplant, but we'll see how it goes. I am hoping more seeds will eventually sprout.

In the meantime, I bought this niffy "Mr Stacky" 5 tier planter which I am filling with herbs and small plants. So far, sweet basil, thai basil, cilantro, lemon balm and a couple succulents. There is also something called pineapple sage, but I will be moving that tomorrow because I didn't realize it grows to 3 feet tall! I also planted a few herbs in the yard, echinacea (purple cornflower), chamomile, which I've never had much luck with, but love the dainty little flowers and the smell. Also, Bee Balm which I had luck with in the past for a few years, but that was with daily watering. I put it in a shadier spot this time and hope it won't need so much attention. 

I am debating whether to buy another Mr Stacky because I really love the one I have. Although, probably I should fill this one first. I haven't even completed 2 tiers and have 3 to go. Hoping to use some of my seedlings (assuming more sprout) like lettuce and the arugula. I think one of those tiers will be strawberries. Trying to figure out a place in the house by a window and maybe bring in for the winter. Things like that are hard though with little unoccupied space, a huge dog and 3 cats! 


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