Last year my seedlings didn't come up. I have a feeling that had something to do with me. Last Spring was a confusing time, COVID was a new thing that came and changed our lives and so many things about it were unknown then. Anyhow, I am sure that I probably watered too much or not enough or did something wrong!
I was unsure if I would try again this Spring, but I guess I feel more hopeful and so today I started my seeds in their little greenhouses. Hopefully, they will decide to sprout for me this year! If so, it will be mainly a container garden. The soil in my yard is just too hard for me to dig into and most of the places that aren't full sun all day don't have enough space to lay out a garden. Seed packets often say the plant likes "full sun," but I know for a fact that does not mean New Mexico full sun because I have never had a plant grow in full sun!
Oh, and I am scheduled for my first COVID shot on Monday. I'll admit that as much as I want this shot I am also nervous about it. Some of my friends have become sick after getting it. Although, the sickness they had was not even comparable to getting COVID! They are all still alive and that is not true of a friend of mine who got COVID. So it isn't like I am going to be scared away from getting it, just a little nervous. I am scared of needles and shots anyhow so I would feel nervous no matter what.
I am wishing everyone a happy Spring and very much hoping that by Fall our lives will be back to only a slightly altered normal!